

February 11, 2015


1Contact 1 kg of beef.

2Cut into steaks about 15 at 15 1 cm that, and knock it flat and tender with a meat mallet or bottle.

3Season with salt and pepper.

4In a bowl, we beat the 6 entire owner.

5Add a little chopped garlic and a bundle of parsley, plus one or two pinches of salt and some freshly ground black pepper to the eggs.

6Prepare a large rectangular container with 1 / 2 kg.

7Let the meat pieces pass through the egg mixture then breadcrumbs. (Do everything with your hands so that it covered the mixtures).

8Fry in hot oil, since both sides should be golden brown.

9They are accompanied by mashed potatoes, fried potatoes, various salads, fried eggs, or white rice.

10Served piping hot on a plate and sprinkled with lime juice.


6 Owner

1 head garlic

1 bunch of parsley

pounds of breadcrumbs

Salt to taste

Freshly ground black pepper

Olive Oil

1 pulp pounds lean beef
