

February 8, 2015


1After grinding of the maize with the finest blade of the machine, do the mass through a sieve for excess water to do away.

2Season with salt and pepper to taste.

3Chop the meat into small pieces and marinate with salt, pepper, garlic and sour orange.

4Fry in butter and add the onion, pepper, mince, and garlic.

5Then, add the tomato puree.

6Mix the corn with the sauce.

7Put a little of the mixture in the leaves, folded and tied with a thin cord.

8Cook in boiling salted water for an hour or so.


1.5 kg of ground corn

1 / 2 cup water

1 / 3 cup tomato paste

500 grams pork

150 grams of butter

1 ui

1 green peppers

2 cloves of garlic

salt and pepper to taste
