Rundsvleeslever to the provincial


February 11, 2015


1Cooked beef liver, the removal of the skin and cut into steaks 1 inch thick and season with salt and pepper 2 tablespoons white wine and pass them in the flour.

2Fry in oil.

3In order to make the sauce we do in a pan 1 tablespoon butter.

4Browning 4 cloves of garlic, onion shredded.

5Add the tomato, 2 tablespoons chopped mushrooms soaked and, 2 cups white wine, the herb bouquet and cup of broth.

6Boil for a few minutes.

7Season with salt and pepper, after a time of cooking, add a little lemon juice.

8Remove the sauce from the heat.

9Joint 2 egg yolks.

10Place the fillets in a dish.

11Cover with sauce and accompanied by pieces of bread in olive oil or butter, and potato pieces, sizable, boiled and fried in butter.


1 pounds rundvleeslev

Freshly ground black pepper

Fine salt to taste


Corn oil

1 tablespoon butter

4 cloves of garlic

1 large onion

1 tablespoon tomato paste

soaked and chopped dried mushrooms cup

1 bouquet garni

2 Glasses of white wine

1 cup broth

Lemon Juice

2 egg yolks

Baked bread

4 large potatoes
